Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Shopping

This little shopper had some good luck at Macy's.

More of Abby's First March In

Gig'em Aggies!

We went to the A&M game last weekend in College Station. It was Abby's first trip there. We had a great time. It was cold and rainy most of the day so we spent part of our time in Rudder. Abby had fun crawling all over the place. Brent's corps buddy gave Abby this sweater when she was born. I couldn't wait for her to wear it.

She was mesmorized by March In. She did not miss a beat!
All bundled up!

The Grilling Crew

The New House on Athens Drive

We stopped at the new Zeta house on the way out of College Station last weekend. It is gorgeous! I was very disappointed when no one answered the doorbell. I guess I shouldn't complain. I'm sure people rang it when I lived there and I didn't jump out of bed on Sunday morning to answer. Who knows? Maybe one day I will be going to visit Abby there. I sure hope so!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's Eat Cake!

This weekend we had Abby's first birthday party. It was quite a bash! The Cupcake did not know what to think of having her very own cupcake to eat.

This was the only scowl Abby made during the party.
"I do not want to eat this cake, but I think I'll stick my fingers in it just a little."
Brent and I both tried to demonstrate digging into the cake, but Abby would not have it. Our little princess does not like getting her hands messy.

Enjoying some Food
Abby liked opening her presents and stuck to it until they had all been opened. What fun!
Thomas and Abby check out the Noah's Ark Ruth sent.
Abby has some cooking to do in her new kitchen from GiGi and PawPaw.

Abby got a doll from Momo. Her name is also Abby. We are not to the cuddling stage yet. She likes to yank her hair.
Playing her BeeBop Band
It's official. The cupcake needs to take some piano lessons. She got her own little piano from Nonnie and Pops.

I think these two might date in the future. Abby loves Thomas!

Abby checks out the spread.

Ready to Party

Toys Galore

After the party, Abby changed into her game day clothes and had some fun with her new toys. I don't think she will be bored anytime soon. She went for a ride in the wagon Grandmother gave her.

When it was all said and done, this little Aggie was tuckered out. Pops had her asleep in no time!