Friday, June 19, 2020

Matagorda Road Trip

 A couple of weekends ago, we hit the road for Matagorda.  We had rentals from last year that we didn't get to use when a flesh eating bacteria struck the coast.  We all decided to follow through with the trip this time as everyone needed a get away and Covid numbers were almost nonexistent in that county.
 Nonnie and Pops got a beach house with an ocean view.
 Abby and Caroline always love to get shave ice and shop when we are down there.
 Ready to Check Out the Beach

 Game Time with Momo

 Caroline celebrated her birthday with Momo and . . .

  . . . we celebrated Momo's birthday!
 Momo taught Caroline how to make her banana pudding.

Abby loved playing horseshoes.

 The beach is always such a nice break for everyone. The ocean always seems to put things into perspective.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Happy Birthday, Brent!

Brent had three birthday celebrations!  First, we celebrated in Spring with GiGi and PawPaw!
The girls and I threw a luau a few days before his birthday so Nonnie, Pops, Momo, Little Bubba and Samantha could celebrate with us.

 The girls had so much fun planning and decorating for this shindig.  We were still social distancing as much as possible with Momo and kept the party outside.

 On his actual birthday, the girls and I made dinner and had one last treat with candles.  We couldn't celebrate this amazing husband and father enough!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Quarantine: Part II

We are jumping back into some normal and went from lock down to being very busy!  Thought I better catch up with our happenings before I get too far behind.  At the beginning of May, we thought it was safe to see GiGi and PawPaw. None of us had been out or around people for months, so we hit the road and made it all the way to Spring with no stops! We all enjoyed the change of scenery.

The girls and I have worked more puzzles during these months than I have worked my whole life!

Nonnie and Pops passed this famous group on their walk May the 4th.  We jumped in the car and went to see!

The girls filled lots of time with swimming, schoolwork and baking. A few of their math and science zooms were baking classes in the kitchen.

 Caroline happily cracks eggs for Abby.

 Caroline wanted rainbow hair for this class zoom.

Time for more dance classes . . .
  . . . and a hot chocolate treat on one of the cooler days.
Some other projects we did were cleaning up the playroom for a whole day after letting it go for several months and  . . .
 . . . using the power washer Brent got for Christmas.  Abby loves to power wash!
We surprised Nonnie with chalk art on Mother's Day.  She took Momo home to Bay City and returned Sunday to find her driveway decorated.
 One highlight during these months was seeing the Blue Angels fly over Southlake!  It was so exciting and inspirational!

 The Van Cleaves came over for a picnic one day!

A New Yard Golf Game

We found a new trail on Memorial Day in another neighborhood.

Also, Nonnie and Pops cooked out on Memorial Day weekend.  The girls new favorite game in the pool is baseball.

 Chloe came to online church!
 The end of school was a bit emotional.  We drove through both schools and picked up supplies and Caroline's school had a parade at Dragon Stadium.  We were sad it ended the way it did, but we were thankful for some sort of closure.

 Caroline's favorite piece of artwork that came home from art class.

 Decorating the Car for Parade

 The sweet counselor gave Abby a pennant also.
 We kicked off our official first day of summer with our first take out since Spring Break!