Thursday, October 1, 2015

September Snapshots

Check out our September happenings!  Momo, Caroline and I took Abby lunch one day at school.
Momo had fun treating them to some shopping in the Spirit Shop.

One Friday night, Ruth and I had a spur of the moment whirlwind trip to Waco for the big sale at Magnolia.  We stayed at Hotel Indigo and had fun shopping, eating and catching up.  We found out later Chip and Joanna from Fixer Upper and Laura Bush came by the store after we left.  We couldn't believe we missed all of them!

While I was away, Brent and Caroline had fun at a Ride with Pride birthday party.
Although it has been in the 90s most days, the girls have enjoyed their new swings in the evenings.

Fun Fall Activities with Momo
Abby's cheer squad had a swim party after the first game.  She had a blast getting to know the girls better.

Our neighbors got a cotton candy maker.  They get it out on a weekly basis and share their tasty treats.

I happened to be up at the school to help with Abby's teacher's birthday party and got to see her present her "V.I.P." (Very Important Person) poster and bag full of artifacts.

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Whitfill!
The girls and I enjoyed Hibachi with Nonnie, Pops and Little Bubba one Friday night while Brent was hunting.  They were intrigued by this new experience.  The chef was entertaining and even made an erupting volcano for us.

We also had fun that weekend checking out a playground and splash pad on Little Bubba's side of the metroplex.
Little Witches have been playing songs on the piano this September.

While I was sick, Nonnie took Abby lunch at school.  She deserves a big shout out!  We would not have survived without her help while I was out of commission.  She got groceries, took care of the girls and their every need for days and even brought ice for Brent as he has been having foot problems and was unable to drive.  I can not remember ever being so sick and was so thankful to have her taking care of things.
We wrapped up September with the fall festival fundraiser at Abby's school.

Kinder and First Grade Dance