Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Full Steam Ahead

Momo turned 80 last week, but age doesn't stop her from going full steam ahead! I hope when I'm 80, I'm just as active. Momo belongs to several bridge groups that meet weekly and she is a Pink Lady at the hospital in Bay City. She volunteers every Monday. I admire her willingness to volunteer and give to others. She is also in a birthday club, a book club and goes to plays and musicals in Houston every month.

We had a fun time celebrating her birthday Saturday night at Big Bubba's house. The guys fried a turkey and cooked a duck on the grill. We toasted Momo and Abby is saying cheers and clinking her Minnie cup to everyone's champagne glass.Make a Wish! Aunt Mary made a delicious Italian Cream Cake. In the picture below, Abby said something funny and everyone clapped for her. Unfortunately, I can't remember what she said.

The Grandkids and 1 of the great grandkids with Momo. Caroline was snoozing on the lounger with Nonnie.

Wednesday, the girls and I ate lunch with Nonnie, Momo, Big Bubba, Mary and Josh at Pei Wei to celebrate her real birthday. After lunch, we went to Central Market for some icecream.

Momo shows the girls the lobster tank. That night, Nonnie, Pops, Bubba and Mary treated her to a fancy dinner complete with a violin serenade. The Anderson clan stayed home, as these two little girls are not ready for elegant dinners. But, rest assured, we are already practicing good manners and will be ready to dine out in style when 90 rolls around! Happy Birthday, Momo!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Congrats to Our Graduate!

My cousin Ashley graduated from highschool this past weekend. We went to Bullard to celebrate with her. We had a fun time hanging out with everyone before the graduation. We got dressed up and had every intention of making it to the ceremony, but when we arrived at the school, Abby was asleep and Caroline was having a meltdown. Brent and I decided to keep driving . . .all the way home. All dressed up to drive home to Trophy Club. Ha ha. We are excited Ashley will attend A&M in the fall. Whoop!

Caroline liked the water.

Abby and Pops have some serious discussions.

Abby checks out the palms with "Wittle Bubba." My Uncle Bubba was always Bubba to me and now Abby calls him Big Bubba and my brother Little Bubba. She is always careful to clarify which Bubba she is talking about.

Abby had fun camping out on this little table.

Before arriving at the graduation festivities, we made the rounds in East Texas. We thought it would be a good time to visit as many relatives as we could. Saturday morning we visited Brent's Aunt Mari Beth and Uncle Jim in Flint.

I couldn't believe this squirrel got so close to these two rascals.

Bird Watching
Abby holds her bow if there is the slightest breeze. She thinks it will blow out of her hair. Too funny!

Friday night, we stayed at my Aunt Mary Ann's. The girls got to spend some time with Grandmother.

Fun in a Tub

Sunday, May 22, 2011

School's Out for Summer!

Abby had her last day of school last Wednesday. Here she is with her teachers, "Ms. Winda"(Linda) and "Ms. Weswie"(Leslie). They were wonderful. I could not have wished for a better first school experience for Abby.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to You!

On Brent's real birthday, May 9th, we celebrated with Nonnie and Pops, Momo and The White Family. They babysat the girls so Brent and I could eat out and then we had banana splits. Yum!The following weekend, we celebrated again with GiGi and PawPaw and Lin and Gary. We cooked out and Gary and Lin brought cake.

I can't wait for Caroline to dig into her cake. I know she will go for it. She looked like she wanted to tear into this one.

Lin and Abby ended the evening with some play-doh fun.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

This was the best Mother's Day since I've been a mom. Brent and I took the girls to MiMi's Cafe for breakfast. Abby was happy with the MiMi Mouse pancakes she ordered. We had to wait a while even though we called ahead, but the girls were great. Next, Brent babysat while I went to a movie with my mom, grandmother and aunt. What a nice treat! It is rare for my mom and I to go somewhere without at least one child.

My dad came and got Brent and the girls and they got ready for a cookout. Brent and the girls were in charge of bringing the corn. Here they are shucking it.Caroline helped too.The day ended with a cookout. All the guys in the family planned and executed the meal. It was delicious!
Caroline tried watermelon and gave it a thumbs up.
Momo was excited to get a new bookmark with pictures of the girls on it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our Little Stinkerbell

Caroline has no fear and she is a pro at making a mess and getting into everything!! Abby was more reserved and would sit and play with her toys. Caroline likes an adventure and has earned her new nickname Stinkerbell. Here she is getting into Abby's art basket. She had a blast spreading all this out. I usually don't let this happen, but both girls were not feeling well and I just didn't care. Caroline loves to play in the refrigerator. She gets the juice boxes off the door and chews on them. I'm sure they feel good on her gums. Notice the crazy hair.

And yes, Caroline has discovered the toilet. She will open it and proceed to stick her hands in it. Yuck! Toilet locks are coming.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Buttercup's Debut

Nonnie and Pops won this horse at an auction. Abby was very reluctant to even get near it for months. It lived upstairs in a bedroom until a few weeks ago. We named it Buttercup when it first came home and she has gradually warmed up to it by saying hi, petting him, and finally Easter weekend, she decided to ride him. It was very exciting!
Abby allows Buttercup to be out of his bedroom now. We went from having to make sure that door was shut when we arrived, to having him live in the den. He neighs like a real horse when you squeeze his ear. Pops has always wanted a pony and now he has one.Welcome to the family, Buttercup!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happy Belated Easter!

We had a nice Easter day; church, lunch with family and friends and another egg hunt. It was really a treat that Caroline slept through the service for once and we didn't have to sit in the cry room. I just can't leave her in the nursery yet. We have enough germs floating around with Abby going to her Mother's Day Out. We might try it out this summer.

The Easter Bunny hid our eggs at Nonnie and Pops so we wouldn't be rushed to hunt them before church. What a thoughtful bunny! Abby wanted to get on with the hunt right after church. Abby was so stunned at first to see so many eggs in the backyard.

Caroline was getting the hang of it by this 3rd hunt.

"Look, marshmallows!"

After every egg Abby found, she stopped to take a bite of what was inside. It was a long hunt!

How much of these can I cram in my mouth at once?

The hunt was taking so long, we took a break to change clothes and then finished when Josh and Jake arrived to help.

Hurry, Josh!

Tollie and Tevon joined us for the festivities.
Abby and Caroline play with their new Easter book and egg shakers from Nonnie and Pops.

Shake, shake, shake!