Thursday, April 25, 2013

Choir Wrap Up

Last Wednesday, Abby had her last night of choir for the year.  The kids performed some of the songs they've practiced throughout the year. Stay tuned for a video! She is always very concerned when everyone is getting settled on the stage.

 Caroline chowed down on a snack in the audience.

Go Team Anderson!

Last Tuesday was Sports Day at school.  Abby and Caroline got to decorate a shirt for this big event.  We had fun experimenting with stencils for the first time.

The girls were very excited to have Daddy there.

Obstacle Course Action

Caroline and her friend decided it was easier to use their hands for miniature golf.

 Coach Michael was there to cheer for the team.
 Trike Park Traffic Jam

 T-ball is one of Abby's favorite games on Sports Day.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Easter: Take 2

Last Sunday, the girls wanted to dress up in their Easter dresses again.  We actually got to church early and thought we'd try to get some pics since we didn't Easter Sunday.  We gave ourselves an A+ for effort, but still didn't get any decent shots.  It was windy, the camera was acting up and the girls just weren't interested.

 They did enjoy sitting at the piano in the lobby while we fiddled with the camera.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Spring Get Away

This past weekend, we went to Spring.  The girls stayed Saturday night with GiGi and PawPaw while Brent and I went to College Station.  Brent's aunt and uncle gave us a night at a Bed and Breakfast for Christmas. It was a nice break! We saw the Aggies play baseball, had a nice dinner out and, of course, went to The Chicken.  This was the only picture I got.  It's dark, but that's us!
 Meanwhile, GiGi and PawPaw took the girls to a museum, shopped at the Disney store, rode the carousel at the mall and went on numerous trips to the park.  They were treated like two little queens.

 Caroline wants to wear her mermaid costume everywhere and she got her wish this day!

 Show Time

Headed to the Disney Store- They love to pick out new plush characters!

Their trip was complete with a visit from Carter, Aunt Haley and Uncle Phil Saturday evening.

Easter Festivities

Our Easter Festivities started a week before the actual day.  Saturday, Brent and I ran our garage sale while Nonnie and Pops took the girls to the Eggstravaganza at our church.  Evidently, Abby was not ready for this picture to be taken.

It was a very chilly day!  The hunt was moved indoors due to some rain and we had to dig out our fur vests to stay warm.  Despite the weather, they had fun making banners and playing carnival games.
The girls hunted eggs with Abby's classmate and friend, Nate.


Sunday, we went to Palm Sunday service and saw the animals and Jesus walk through the sanctuary.  The girls were very excited to go to "big church" and wave their palm leaves.  I didn't get any clear pictures.  They all came out blurry.  That afternoon we headed to Presley's and Dylan's Egg Hunt.  The Easter Bunny greeted us!  Abby wouldn't get in the picture.
Caroline and Dylan stuck together in the petting zoo and the bounce house.

This year, they had a monkey doing tricks.
The Hunt

They were exhausted after the hunt and wanted to sit down. 

The week before Easter, they had Easter parties and hunts at school.

Parents weren't invited to Caroline's party, but I helped with Abby's.
Abby was passing by all the eggs and only stopping to get one here and there.  When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I am only getting pink and purple today."
After she found her 12 pink and purple eggs, she helped her friends.
 The Easter Bunny made another appearance at this hunt.
Snack Time
The girls couldn't wait to get into their comfy clothes and nightgown at home and dig into their treats.  Caroline definitely has her Daddy's sweet tooth.
I'm glad we had such a great weekend before Easter actually arrived, because Abby literally "came down" with a bug as we were walking into the Easter church service.  I'll spare you the details.  We decided to go to church Saturday evening, due to storms possibly coming on Sunday morning. We were all dressed up in our Easter outfits and got to church early to take some pics when disaster struck.   Needless to say, we didn't get pics or make it to a service.  She did muster up enough energy to hunt eggs for a few minutes on Sunday morning.

 The Easter Bunny left eggs all over the house!  That bunny is smart to leave them indoors when rain is forecasted.  Brent and I ended up doing a lot of the hunting.  Abby sat on a chair and pointed out where they were since she truly didn't feel well.
 Caroline kept losing interest and kept plopping down saying, "I just need to eat a sweet."  Then, she would shove three candies into her mouth.  It is a wonder she didn't get sick, too!  I am delighted to report none of us came down with what Abby had!