Saturday, October 21, 2017

Piano Play Day

The girls played at a memory care facility a couple of weekends ago.  It was Caroline's first play day.  She was very excited and volunteered to go first.  They made cards for the veterans and handed them out before the performance.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

September Snapshots

We kicked off September with a shopping trip to Brumbaugh's in Fort Worth on Labor Day weekend.  The girls had fun in this massive furniture store.  We ate at the original Kincaid's for lunch. 

Caroline and I had an outing to Central Market one Friday afternoon while Abby was out to eat with a friend.  She was excited to pick out some roses.  They were having the rose extravaganza.

 Out on the Town

 Caroline also had fun one day at a Halloween store with Daddy while Abby was at a birthday party.

 GiGi and PawPaw sent her some "get well" treats!
 We traveled to Katy one weekend in September to help Avery and Carter celebrate their birthdays.

 Several weekends ago, Abby had her third grade Bible presentation at church.

 Caroline's Preschool Teacher
Abby and Nate- He was her first friend at church when they were 18 months old.

 She was excited to get her Bible and came straight home to read it.
 One of my former students visited our campus and read a book to my class last week.
 Nonnie treated us to the Beauty and the Beast Ballet last weekend at Bass Hall.  It was so relaxing and a nice day out!

 Pops, Little Bubba and Josh dropped us off at Bass Hall and had their own fun at Top Golf. Afterward, they picked us up and we all had dinner at Joe T. Garcia's.
Brent had a good time on his annual Cast and Blast trip with his Aggie buddies.  September is a wrap!

Party Time

Caroline waited all summer for her bounce house birthday party.  She finally recovered from her mono and we were able to have it several weekends ago,  Lots of friends came and she had a blast!

Mrs. Ryon and Miss Moore stopped by to say "Happy Birthday."

 Blowing Out Candles