Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Run, Run, as Fast as You Can . . .

. . .you can't catch me, I'm Abby Anderson. While in Spring, we took a day to visit the Houston Zoo. Thank goodness the girls were outnumbered by adults. Abby always wants out of her stroller these days and she is fast. If you let her out, you better be ready to go! She would rather push her stroller than sit in it.Abby-"Jump, Jump!"Caroline was more interested in the animals this time.Ah, a break for us! They are both strapped in and content watching the otters.PawPaw and Abby hang out in the hut exhibit.

GiGi gets Abby to stop and look at the elephants.

The bow was not going to happen this day.

Waiting for the Train

Abby always gives the Field Trip an A+ if a train ride is involved.

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