Sunday, August 20, 2017

A Week with GiGi and PawPaw

I missed my step climbing down a ladder at school and fell on my hand so I can only type with my right hand at the moment. I am lucky nothing is broken! Nevertheless, I will not be able to type much on this post.  I think you will agree, the pictures do an accurate job of showing what a fun time Caroline and Abby had during their week long stay in Spring.  They ruled the roost!


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Seabrook 2017

A couple of weeks ago, we made our annual trip to the DeLeon's in Seabrook.  They are so generous to invite us every year.  We had a fun weekend spending time with everyone.

 The guys went fishing one day.
 Caroline loses a tooth everywhere we go these days.  We had a dentist in the house to pull this one.
 Old Friends

 The kids went on a Sunday morning boat ride.