We helped Little Bubba celebrate his birthday one Sunday afternoon in October.
I had an inservice day on Columbus Day. Nonnie took the girls out on the town. They had fun at Barnes and Noble, the My Little Pony movie and lunch at Cheesecake Factory.We had lots of dress up days in October! Lots of kids wore this Tyler's shirt on Tie Dye Day.
Dressed up for Dance

Book Parade- Abby dressed up as Charlotte's Web and Caroline was Hermione from Harry Potter.
Our principal always gets the Dragon mascot and drum corps to march with us.
My First Grade Team
First Nine Weeks Dragon Pride Ceremony- The girls both read their 850 minutes and completed a citizenship project.
Abby was recognized as a green ticket winner this nine weeks for going above and beyond as a good citizen when others were not looking. An aid nominated her for always sharing supplies with another student. She got to go play bingo with the principals one day.