Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to Thomas!

Abby had a blast at her first real birthday party. This was the first time she was old enough at a party to interact. Abby sits on the bounce house with the birthday boy! Thomas is Kristin's son. She was a Zeta at A&M with me and a very dear friend. You have seen this handsome dude in pics before. He is usually at all of our big events. He became a big brother a few days ago! Congratulations!! Abby couldn't shoot baskets, but enjoyed taking all the balls out.
She loved the birthday cake! After she ate her piece and went back to playing, she walked back to the cake room saying "cake, cake!"
I think Thomas liked the cake too!
Checking out the caterpillar tunnel
Group Pic-The only way Abby would sit there was to have her paci in her mouth.
This was hilarious! Abby tried to get in these little cars and take a ride. She kept sticking her foot in the sunroof of this bug.
She did manage to sit in the dump truck.
Lilypad fun
Her favorite, the roller coaster

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