Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Zeta Fix

A visit from my Zeta pledgesisters was just what I needed after a month of adjusting to life with a toddler and a newborn. We had a great time! It was fun to see our kids all together. Abby followed Betsy everywhere monitoring what toys she played with. We are working on sharing.

The girls were too funny during this photo shoot. Abby was mesmorized by the swords and Betsy was lounging over on the other side of the sofa.
Baby Photo Shoot-Caroline and Grayson(Kristin's Baby)

He is one week older than Caroline.

Caroline meets Aunt Ruth.

Aunt Tollie holds Sweet Caroline.

We ate burgers at Kincaid's. The babies hung out in their carriers.

"Hmmm. She seems to be treating Elmo O.K. I'll keep an eye on her though."

We went to Southlake Square for icecream and pics by the fountain.

All of our families together

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