Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Last week Abby went on her first trip to the zoo. We pretend to be animals a lot at home and Abby has all their sounds down so it was fun to see her reaction to the real things. Abby loves to take a spin on any ride she spots and she knows who to ask. GiGi and PawPaw can't say no. I thought monkeys or elephants would be her favorite, but any kind of deer won the prize. While checking out the african animals, all we heard was "deer, deer."Abby was speechless looking at most of the animals. She soaked it all in. You could see the wheels turning in that little head of hers.
I was actually in some pictures this time. I am usually snapping the pics, but GiGi took a turn and got me with the girls this time.

Caroline was a happy camper! She is content everywhere we drag her.

"Look! A Giraffe." Abby pointed to every new animal she saw.

Eyes as big as saucers.

Ready to Explore

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