Saturday, January 1, 2011

14 adults, 1 toddler, 1 baby and 2 dogs . . .

. . .equals a fun family get together. After having Christmas for two years in Southlake, my mom's side of the family decided to have it at Momo's again. It was like old times. People slept anywhere and everywhere, we played games and the guys built a fire outside one night. It was a good time. After church on Christmas Eve, we did the big family present opening. Caroline was very interested in her nursery rhyme bear and snowglobe Momo gave her.

Daddy, Caroline and Abby play with the new cupcake stand.

All dressed up to go to church on Christmas Eve!

Family picture with Momo

Abby really got into the present opening this year.

Abby counts to 10 while playing hide and seek with Pops.

She would shout, "Ready not, here I come."

"I know you are under there Pops. I see your feet."Caroline had fun with her playmate, Cousin Ashley.
The Fire-The guys wanted to build a fire on the beach, but the sand was too soft for us to drive on and there was no drift wood to burn. So they improvised and bought a fire pit at Walmart. I think they had just as much fun on the back patio. They were out there for hours.
Caroline loved all the extra attention. She is happy to be held by anyone.

The first night in Bay City, we exchanged gifts with my brother and parents. It was fun to spread out the present opening.Nonnie and Pops gave Caroline her own doll cradle and high chair.

The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was a hit! Abby is in love with everything Mickey!

"Hey there, Champ."

Abby shows Caroline her ornaments for her tree.

All the guys at work on Abby's toys

Abby helps Pops with a present.

Hanging Out in the Walker

More Mickey Mouse!Stacking Santas

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