I have really enjoyed my Trophy Club baby playgroup this year. We joined it in September and meet every week. There are about ten moms in the group with kids two and under. I have had fun going to it with Caroline while Abby is at school on Mondays. Sometimes Abby goes with us to special events like this Valentine Party we had yesterday. It was at Cabella's and all the playgroups of Trophy Club attended.
I was in charge of decorations and if you know me well, this involved tulle, tablecloths, strings of heart lights, giant paper hearts etc . . I am ridiculous when it comes to things like this. You would have laughed seeing me unload in the horseshoe at the front of the store. I have to brag on my girls this once and say that they were troopers while I unloaded and set everything up. Abby even pulled the rolling icechest with the juiceboxes. We were quite a sight. I could feel all the men in Cabella's laughing inside at us. Ha Ha!

Abby dusts her hands off after feeding the fish in the picture above.

The kids went on a little tour and got to touch a tadpole and a turtle. If you guessed that Abby did not take part in the petting of these creatures, you are right! This girly girl came close, but then decided to just be an observer.

"Oh, this bee feels so good to my gums."


Looking at the Aquarium
Some friends from our playgroup
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