We had a fun time celebrating her birthday Saturday night at Big Bubba's house. The guys fried a turkey and cooked a duck on the grill. We toasted Momo and Abby is saying cheers and clinking her Minnie cup to everyone's champagne glass.
The Grandkids and 1 of the great grandkids with Momo. Caroline was snoozing on the lounger with Nonnie.

Wednesday, the girls and I ate lunch with Nonnie, Momo, Big Bubba, Mary and Josh at Pei Wei to celebrate her real birthday. After lunch, we went to Central Market for some icecream.

Momo shows the girls the lobster tank. That night, Nonnie, Pops, Bubba and Mary treated her to a fancy dinner complete with a violin serenade. The Anderson clan stayed home, as these two little girls are not ready for elegant dinners. But, rest assured, we are already practicing good manners and will be ready to dine out in style when 90 rolls around! Happy Birthday, Momo!
Wednesday, the girls and I ate lunch with Nonnie, Momo, Big Bubba, Mary and Josh at Pei Wei to celebrate her real birthday. After lunch, we went to Central Market for some icecream.
Momo shows the girls the lobster tank. That night, Nonnie, Pops, Bubba and Mary treated her to a fancy dinner complete with a violin serenade. The Anderson clan stayed home, as these two little girls are not ready for elegant dinners. But, rest assured, we are already practicing good manners and will be ready to dine out in style when 90 rolls around! Happy Birthday, Momo!