Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Look at this Barney!"

When Nonnie retired, she got season passes to the Forth Worth Children's Museum.  They were a gift from a sweet family at her school.  Brent and I took the girls once, back in the winter.  It was amazing to see how much more they could do this time.  We will certainly enjoy these passes.  Next time we are planning to see the Sesame Street Show in the Planetarium.
 Abby took her Barney and went around showing him all the exhibits.  She would hold him up and explain what they were looking at and then ask him if he could see.
 Sitting in the Dinosaur Footprint-Caroline wasn't crazy about that idea.
 Drawing a Glow in the Dark Picture in the Dark Room
 Caroline was really into the gigantic Light Bright

My Little Shopper-She was very serious about her task at hand.
 Weighing her Veggies and Working at the Checkout Counter
 There was so much to do, Caroline just went from station to station as fast as her little legs could go.

 "Come on Nonnie!"
 Pops calls, "All Aboard!"

 Nonnie and Caroline played with the miniature trains.
 Crawling on the giant tortoise.  It is the one in Swiss Family Robinson.
  After having a lesson from Big Sis, Caroline gave hopscotch a try.
 Caroline grinned the whole time.  She is very active, so this was right up her alley.
 Pushing Buttons on the Bubble Machine
 "Start your engine, Nonnie.  I'm ready to run!"

Watergun Galore

Saturday, July 16, 2011

100 Acre Woods

Today we hit a milestone.  We took the girls to their first movie.  As you can see, the movie was Winnie the Pooh.  Abby and Caroline took all their Pooh stuffed characters.
 Pops and Daddy introduced the girls to The Smurfs on the way into our theater.
 You can't see down our row, but the whole family came out for this big event.  Nonnie, Pops, Little Bubba and Aunt Mary enjoyed the movie too.
 Abby was a little timid and not too sure about the loud volume and previews, but made it through the movie.
 Caroline enjoyed snacks, a drink and LOVED the movie.
 She did not make a peep during the whole movie and never took her eyes off the screen.

Grandpa's Farm

Paw Paw and Pops don't have a farm, but Nonnie and I couldn't wait to teach Abby and Caroline our first grade farm songs.  They are on a CD and have posters that go with them.  The girls have really caught on and had a good time singing them.  Check out Caroline's expressions.  These songs have been perfect for her as she has been learning animals and their sounds.

In the second, third and fourth video we are singing a song about a farmer getting mad at a rooster for waking him up.  The girls are pretending to be asleep and then wake up when the rooster crows.  It has been hilarious to watch Caroline do the motions.

Ahoy, Mate!

As usual, we've been very busy!  So busy . . .I forgot to post about our trip to the Trophy Club sprinkler park last Saturday.  Nonnie and Pops were still gone and Brent had to work, so I recruited my brother to come help with the girls on this outing.  I am thrilled the girls love to play with their Uncle Bubba, Uncle Phil  and Aunt Haley and that their uncles and aunt take such interest in them!
 The park has a pirate theme.  Abby was everywhere.  "Wittle" Bubba was assigned to her and I had Caroline.
 Caroline didn't know what to think at first, but then got used to it.  Her hat shielded her from spraying water, which was a big help.
 I kept her under the shade a lot of the time. The pictures came out darker.
 "Come on, Wittle Bubba!"

 Pushing the button on the cannon to make water shoot out.

 It was difficult to get pics of Caroline while making sure she didn''t fall at the same time.

Welcome Home!

We were excited to welcome home Nonnie and Pops this past Monday.  Abby and I made a welcome home sign and she had a fun time going to the airport to pick up our travelers.  They were in Europe for 2 weeks and this girl was ready to see them.  We usually see Nonnie and Pops almost every day, so their homecoming was a big deal. I'm also glad to have my daytime assistant (Nonnie) back!
 When we got home, Caroline wasted no time climbing in the suitcase to help unpack.
 She found some yummy crackers.

 The girls had fun with the gifts Nonnie and Pops brought back for them.
Abby tries on her  Bobby hat and Harrod's apron from London and her "wooden" slippers from Holland.  Nonnie looked for real wooden shoes, but they don't make them anymore.  The slippers were perfect though.  Abby puts them on the second she gets out of bed every morning.
 Caroline wouldn't try on any of her attire, but she had fun playing with her name train from Montmarte.
 Where's Abby?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two Yankee Doodle Dandies

On July 4th, the whole family walked in GiGi and PawPaw's neighborhood parade.  We decorated the stroller and trike and headed out to the festivities.  Abby's trike won second place in the bike category of the decorations contest. 
 Walking to the Parade
 A firetruck led the parade and ran sirens periodically to let neighbors know we were coming. 
 Caroline made friends with GiGi and PawPaw's neighbors' grandson.  They were born one day apart.
 They make a cute couple.  Who knows?  Maybe one day these two will be a match.
I really enjoyed walking in the parade.   I get chills when I see so many flags and people coming together to celebrate our country.  A group behind us sang patriotic songs part of the way and a neighbor in the military walked in uniform next to us.  I am glad for these holidays to remind us we are lucky to be free and of those who are fighting for us every day.

Serious Parade Face
 At the end of the parade route, we had popsicles.

 After the parade, we headed to the neighborhood pool to cool off.