Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Look at this Barney!"

When Nonnie retired, she got season passes to the Forth Worth Children's Museum.  They were a gift from a sweet family at her school.  Brent and I took the girls once, back in the winter.  It was amazing to see how much more they could do this time.  We will certainly enjoy these passes.  Next time we are planning to see the Sesame Street Show in the Planetarium.
 Abby took her Barney and went around showing him all the exhibits.  She would hold him up and explain what they were looking at and then ask him if he could see.
 Sitting in the Dinosaur Footprint-Caroline wasn't crazy about that idea.
 Drawing a Glow in the Dark Picture in the Dark Room
 Caroline was really into the gigantic Light Bright

My Little Shopper-She was very serious about her task at hand.
 Weighing her Veggies and Working at the Checkout Counter
 There was so much to do, Caroline just went from station to station as fast as her little legs could go.

 "Come on Nonnie!"
 Pops calls, "All Aboard!"

 Nonnie and Caroline played with the miniature trains.
 Crawling on the giant tortoise.  It is the one in Swiss Family Robinson.
  After having a lesson from Big Sis, Caroline gave hopscotch a try.
 Caroline grinned the whole time.  She is very active, so this was right up her alley.
 Pushing Buttons on the Bubble Machine
 "Start your engine, Nonnie.  I'm ready to run!"

Watergun Galore

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