Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday Night Football

Brent was out of town hunting this weekend, so the girls and I stayed with Nonnie and Pops.  Momo is in town and Little Bubba came in from Florida Friday evening so we had a full house.  Friday night was Southlake's Homecoming.  Dad, Momo, Abby and I met Mary and Bubba at the game to cheer for Jake.  It was a good time.  Nonnie and Little Bubba kept Caroline at home.

 Abby munched on the nacho chips through the whole first half.  We tried to get her to try the cheese, but she said she couldn't because it would get on her fingernails and "that would be bad because they are painted."
 It was a late night, so we had to take out the paci.  Abby and I headed home after the halftime performances.
 Clapping to the band's patriotic music
 Abby's favorite part was when the team ran out of the big helmet on the field.
 Pops did a lot of walking around.
 Jake, Momo and Bubba after the Game
A really short clip of Abby clapping to the band.  She was entranced.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mommy's Art Class

Last week, I went to a meeting at Abby's school about school procedures and the curriculum.  It is hard to believe two year olds follow a curriculum at school!  I was reminded of something I had learned years ago at A&M in one of my education courses.  Painting on an easel provides the opportunity for kids to cross their midpoint and requires the use of their right and left brain.  This has been linked with success in learning to read.  So . . . I got out my classroom easel.  What a mess!!! I had been meaning to drag it out, but hadn't gotten around to it.  This info. gave me the push I needed.
 Daddy's shirt had to work as a smock.  The first painting session, we worked on grass, sky and the sun.
 Our little artist only wanted to use green.  It took lots of encouraging to get out some other colors.
 Caroline wanted in on this action, but what a disaster!  I let her do her own art class in the booster seat next to the easel.
 Caroline was upset with her computer in this pic.  Art class was rapidly coming to an end.
 The next painting session, we had a smock and Abby chose to paint Barney.
 Brent was home to help this time, so Caroline got to add her own touches to Barney's portrait.
Explanation of Painting

Random singing of "Happy and You Know It"

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Caroline and Abby both took a waterbaby class at Emler this summer.  They each had a 30 min. mommy and me lesson every week.  Their classes were back to back, so Nonnie accompanied us and helped with the changing and watched the girl that was not having a lesson.  By the third week, we had the switching and changing of girls down to a science.
Both Caroline and Abby loved the class and learned a lot!  They can both swim 10 seconds under the water!  Caroline can swim three feet and Abby can swim about six feet when she remembers to kick.
 Emler focuses on safety and being able to swim to the side of the pool and crawl out independently at a young age.  This mat is one of Caroline's favorite stations.
Our teacher is Mr. Chris.  He is awesome!  We liked him so much, we signed up for his fall session, which goes through the middle of January.

 Caroline also has fun riding on this giant duck.
 After our summer class, Abby graduated to the Super Waterbaby class. That means Mommy does not get in the pool with her anymore.  I was a little nervous about how she would adjust, but she did great!  I think it really helped to have the same teacher.
 They are doing the motorboat song in these pics.
 Abby practices floating flat on her back like a pancake.  He sings a pancake song while she practices this.
 The kids sit on these little turtle mats while they wait their turn to practice a skill with Mr. Chris.  Abby always picks a green turtle!  She tells me everytime, "I will sit on this green turtle, because green is my favorite color!"
 Last week was very exciting!  Abby found out that if you are in the Super Waterbaby class, you get to go down the big slide at the end of each class.  I thought she would be aprehensive about this, but she climbed up the steps and never looked back.  She loved it!  Mr. Chris waits at the bottom.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Let the Battles Begin

Abby-Hmm . .I think one of those people is mine.
 Let me just take it back.
 I really wanted Piglet, but I guess Pooh will have to be good enough for now.

Drop Everything and Read!

Who remembers D.E.A.R. from elementary school?  I feel like Caroline is enforcing it at our house.  She is constantly bringing us books and when she says book, if you are the receiver, you better be prepared to drop what you are doing and read this girl a book.  She loves listening to them! Now we have two little bookworms in the house.  Abby still enjoys sitting down with a book and often reads (recites the memorized story) to her people.

 Caroline likes to do the peek-a-boo and pop up books herself.