Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mommy's Art Class

Last week, I went to a meeting at Abby's school about school procedures and the curriculum.  It is hard to believe two year olds follow a curriculum at school!  I was reminded of something I had learned years ago at A&M in one of my education courses.  Painting on an easel provides the opportunity for kids to cross their midpoint and requires the use of their right and left brain.  This has been linked with success in learning to read.  So . . . I got out my classroom easel.  What a mess!!! I had been meaning to drag it out, but hadn't gotten around to it.  This info. gave me the push I needed.
 Daddy's shirt had to work as a smock.  The first painting session, we worked on grass, sky and the sun.
 Our little artist only wanted to use green.  It took lots of encouraging to get out some other colors.
 Caroline wanted in on this action, but what a disaster!  I let her do her own art class in the booster seat next to the easel.
 Caroline was upset with her computer in this pic.  Art class was rapidly coming to an end.
 The next painting session, we had a smock and Abby chose to paint Barney.
 Brent was home to help this time, so Caroline got to add her own touches to Barney's portrait.
Explanation of Painting

Random singing of "Happy and You Know It"

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