Thursday, November 17, 2011

Party in the Park with Abby and Minnie

 This year flew by and Friday, our little cupcake turns three!  It's hard to believe!  This past Saturday, we had her birthday bash at our neighborhood park.  It turned out to be a gorgeous day and she had lots of fun with friends from school and playgroup. 
 Making a Wish
 I made cupcakes for everyone, but the week before the party, Abby kept commenting about her cake.  I started to worry she would be disappointed with a cupcake and ran out two days before and ordered her a personal cake.
 Lots of Kids
 They were hungry and thirsty after playing hard on the playground.
 PawPaw pushes the birthday girl.
 Of course, Mickey came to the celebration.
 It was really neat to see Abby interact with her guests.  She ran up to this school friend when he arrived saying, "There you are!"
 Old Fashioned Fun
 Toward the end of the party, she was tuckered out. Her face was so red!
 Waiting to hit the pinata

 It was a hit.

 Abby opened the presents from her friends at the party.  She was really sweet and would run over to thank each friend after opening the gift.

 Caroline got a present too!

When we got home, Abby opened her presents from GiGi and PawPaw.
 A Grill!  Now she can cook out with Daddy.  Stay tuned for posts about our next birthday celebration on Friday, her actual birthday.  We like to celebrate all week around here.

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