Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Happy Valentine's Day

 The Girls helped make and frost a heart cake for our indoor family Valentine picnic.  I don't know if more frosting ended up in their mouths or on the cake.

 We had our spaghetti picnic the night before Valentine's Day because Daddy would be out of town for work on the actual day.
 Caroline loves to eat with her utensils.
 Abby has on another "comfy" outfit.  Zeta sisters, you know this drives me crazy to have her running around in mismatched clothes!  I know it is hard to believe, but I let it go and find great comic relief in her rush to put on these unique ensembles when we arrive home from outings.
 After our picnic, the girls had a scavenger hunt.

 Every day for about a week, the girls have had Valentine treats in red mailboxes.  Their final delivery was a little baby.
Caroline goes nuts over these babies every time we are in Target.  As you can see, she was beyond ecstatic to have her own.

Abby posed for me in her love bug headband she wore during her party at school.
 Since Daddy was out of town on Valentine's Day Night, Nonnie, Pops and Little Bubba took us to eat at Rainforest Cafe. 

 The girls hold hands everywhere we go now.  They look so grown up to me when they do this.
 We had never eaten here before and the girls were really into looking at the animals.

 Saying goodbye to the crocodile.

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