January has been a low key, calm month. We've enjoyed getting back in to a normal routine. Brent had to go on a trip for work a couple of weeks ago, so we stayed at Little Bubba's again. This time we did some shopping and had great luck finding dresses for the Southlake Valentine Dance and Easter.
The girls love to shop if we are shopping for them! They always run around twirling and posing. They are so excited for the Valentine Dance we are going to with a bunch of friends. They ask every day if this is the day.
The girls turned their air mattresses into a very long car. The huge brown pillow was the steering wheel.
Abby had a birthday party at Bass Pro one weekend. We all went and Caroline joined in the scavenger hunt. When it was time for the cake, Daddy took her on a special date for ice cream.
Pajama Day was week before last and for a special treat I let the girls eat waffles in my bed. We had so much to carry in the school I forgot to get a pic there. It was quite a sight. We were loaded down with sleeping bags, pillows, animals and flashlights. They had a blast. The school had some sort of entertainer perform. The girls talked about him for a week, telling me he did "dangerous tricks on his unicycle."
Once the Christmas decoration were put away, Abby and Caroline couldn't wait to get Valentine activities underway. So . . .
. . .the decorations came out and I started their little surprises in their mailboxes. This year, they arrive in the afternoon after they have had a chance to earn them. One day, they got a chemistry kit. Brent supervised some crystal making.
The weather has been absolutely crazy this year. One day it is 70 degrees and the next day it is 30 degrees. We often go up to our indoor church playground on the colder days. They will play for hours there!
I snapped this pic in a courtyard at church last Sunday.
We've had fun eating lunch at Chick-Fil-A with friends after museum school and this past week, we ate at the mall nearby and tried out the little train. An adult had to ride with the girls so . . .
. . .here I am! Choo, choo!