Abby and Caroline were excited to open bags of Easter goodies from Momo and Holly when they arrived in Bay City Thursday night.
Friday morning, we had puzzle time and then headed to Matagorda for lunch and fun at the beach.
Nonnie and Pops sent money to treat us to lunch at Poco Playa. They have the best crab cakes in the world! Yum!
It is always fun to explore the grounds at this restaurant while waiting on the food. The girls were excited they spotted a chameleon.
Abby loves the pasta!The tide was in so we had to make the best of a wet play area. Momo opted to watch from the truck.
Abby is always trying to get her feet clean.
After the beach, the girls had so much fun with sidewalk chalk and cleaning off the toys.
They played on the driveway for about two hours!
Caroline used the floats and sand molds to build a village with rivers on each side.
Decorating and Painting Eggs
We went to Walmart for a few things and Caroline found a lucky penny. She had other things she wanted to carry, so she decided to keep it in her hair. It was pretty funny! She walked all over Walmart with that penny in her hair. Can you see it?
Saturday we went to a park by the country club.
We threw bread for a while trying to get the ducks to come over to our side of the pond and boy did they come!
The geese ran us off.
Nonnie also sent her fort kits. We built a big tent and the girls had movie time in it.
The girls were thrilled Sunday morning to find the Easter Bunny left them Beanie Boos.
Hunting Eggs All Over the House
Time for Candy and Showing Little Bubba All the Eggs
All Dressed Up
Momo took us to brunch at Fat Grass on the Square.
Caroline made sure to feed her new Beanie.
Brunch was delicious and as we left the hostess gave us each an egg filled with candy and coupons for free items at the restaurant. We were all excited for Momo to use them at her weekly get together with friends after her Bridge Club.
After brunch, we hit the road and stopped in Spring for a quick visit.A triceratops was there to entertain us. Roar! It was a fun way to end the weekend.