Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December Snapshots

One evening in December, Brent and I took the girls to see Santa, eat at Brio's and ride in a carriage around The Square.It was a fun evening.

We helped Pops celebrate his birthday.
Caroline performed in a little Christmas dance recital one Saturday.

 Her Kindergarten teacher came!
 We had a good time making our annual peppermint popcorn for the neighbors one weekend.  Crushing candy canes is their favorite part!

 Nonnie took us to The Nutcracker at Bass Hall.

 We ran into a friend there.

 We got a pic with some performers during intermission.
 Abby earned enough tickets in her class to come read to my class.  She was so excited to come down one morning and read a Christmas book.

 The elves at our school were so naughty the last day before break.  They were zip lining across the stage when the curtains opened for our annual carol sing-along.
School Christmas Parties

 We celebrated getting out for the break with some yogurt!  Stay tuned for Christmas pictures!

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