Saturday, March 17, 2018

February Snapshots

We had lots of fun in February!  The girls went bowling and played laser tag with Little Bubba and Samantha.

 We dressed up for the 100th Day at school.

 The girls did some community service projects at school and church.

Caroline helped lead the announcements at school.
Caroline and I had Ellis Island Day at school.  She dressed as an immigrant in the early 1900's and passed through inspections at our mock Ellis Island.

The girls love Valentine's Day!

 We had our annual spaghetti picnic at home that evening. 
 GiGi and PawPaw spent a night with us and we enjoyed helping them celebrate their birthdays.

 Caroline made a fairy garden at a birthday party.

 Nonnie took the girls Easter dress shopping on President's Day.  I had inservice, but they had a grand time out on the town.
 They found their artwork on display at the public library.

 Caroline spent a lot of time at rehearsals in February.  She had a ball with her two good friends getting ready for an Annie musical.

Momo came in town to see Caroline's production of Annie.  Stay tuned for Annie pics!

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