May meant the first dip in the pool, . . .
. . . Brent's birthday, . . .
. . . Mother's Day (breakfast in bed-Brent and the girls really spoiled me!), . . .
. . . and Momo's birthday!
Birthday Lunch at Brio's

Our principal is known for pulling teeth and Caroline was excited to finally have her pull one.
She left the tooth fairy a note in her fairy garden and the fairy actually left dust and money in it!
Abby's class won a music party and Caroline had fun learning to play pinball at a friend's arcade party.
We took lots of pics at the End of Year Award Celebrations.
. . . bike rides, . . .
. . . pedicures with me, . . .
. . . and walks with Samantha, Little Bubba and Callie.
Abby started volleyball and is really enjoying it!
I was so excited to visit Old Settlers in Flower Mound for a retirement reception. This is the school where I first taught in 2000.My First First Grade Team- They are so special to me! They hosted a wedding shower for me in this same library.
We enjoyed Swan Lake at Bass Hall one Sunday afternoon in May.
Caroline had fun celebrating her birthday at school with ice cream.
I am a very sentimental person and it doesn't take much to make me cry. May is filled with celebrations, milestones and the end of a school year. For me, this often means some tears will be shed. This May, I decided to resign and stay home again. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity!
We ended May with the last day of school! I was near Caroline for our school kickball game and 4th grade clap out. It was a bittersweet day for me! I will miss my team and teaching! However, I am very excited to focus on being a mom again! Time is flying and I don't want to miss a minute!
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