Friday, September 13, 2019

August Snapshots

The girls stayed busy and had fun in August with a birthday party at Urban Air, . . .

 . . . shopping for school supplies (Abby and Caroline find fun everywhere we go!), . . .
  . . . and spending lots of time with their cousins!

 Carter and Caroline built a lighthouse with a STEM kit from the library.

 They all made wishes at the church fountain.
We helped Carter and Avery celebrate their birthdays one evening.  Somehow I didn't get a pic of Carter busting his pinata, but he got it good!
 Abby and Caroline had fun getting out old pool floats with Nonnie and Pops.

The Last Cold Treat of Summer
 Dance Team began and that meant we had to get creative with our time.  Sometimes we are eating dinner in the car and other times . . .
  . . . we play games while waiting on each other.  No matter what we are doing, I always enjoy my time in the car with the girls.

 A few weekends ago, we saw Fiddler on the Roof at Bass Hall.  It is officially my favorite musical!! We loved it!!!

 Back to School Shopping at Northpark Mall- This was a trip down memory lane for Nonnie and me. Once upon a time, we spent many Saturdays there together.

 The girls are really enjoying all their new dance team friends.  They had fun one day making treat bags for them. Stay tuned for Back to School pics!

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