This past weekend, we had an early Thanksgiving with my Dad's family in East Texas. My aunt, uncle and Grandmother recently moved to Lindale, so it was fun to visit their new house.
Nonnie and Caroline

Abby and Garrett, my cousin Kara's little boy, played with the train set.

Abby has come such a long way with sharing her toys.

Movie Time with Pops

Caroline visits with Grandmother

Camden and Caroline have some playtime together. My cousin Melanie's little boy is just about one and a half months older than Caroline.

Camden-"Hmm. I think I might move in on that toy."

Garrett plays peek-a-boo with Caroline. She loved it!

The Girls Hanging Out

Abby is checking on Pops.
Abby-"Enough with the turkey carving! Hold, pease!"

Our visit ended with a ride on a dollie. This is the kind of entertainment only a granddad can think of.