Sunday, November 7, 2010

Zebies, Deer, and the Twain

Abby and I gave Brent zoo tickets for Father's Day and we finally had a free day to go. We had a blast! Here we are riding the train back to the entrance. Abby couldn't wait for this train ride. We heard "Zebies (zebras), deer and twain" all day Friday.Uncle Bubba went with us and was a big help when both of the girls ended up being carried most of the day. It was nice to have the two guys carry the kids. I got the easy job, pushing the stroller. I often think, why did we even bring the stroller. Our girls always want to be carried and of course their wish is our command. Then I remember, oh yes, we need it for our multitude of "stuff" we cart everywhere. Seriously, it was overflowing without the girls in it!

Waiting for the Train
Walking through the birds. I was surprised Abby didn't mind this.
The tigers were our favorite this time. They paraded right in front of us.
Checking out the jaguar and the elephants.

Abby was so cute crouching down at every exhibit.

This little jaguar was cuter than any real animal we saw.

"Ooh! Penguins!"

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