Friday, October 7, 2011

Hall's Pumpkin Patch

With our calendar filling up and all the talk of a pumpkin shortage, I thought we would hit the pumpkin patch early this year.  Nonnie and I took the girls Wednesday and it was really nice and much less crowded.  The girls had a ball running around.

Farmer Abby drives her tractor.
 Caroline also managed to sit on one for a minute.
 And they're off!

 "Hmm . .which pumpkin is small enough for me to pick up?"
 Up, up, up . . .
  . . whee!
 Wagon Ride

 Big Sis used all her might to pull Caroline.
Of course, Caroline has to give it a try.

 Playing in the haystack house
 Picking out the Perfect Pumpkin
Abby would pick up a pumpkin and then just throw it down, saying, "This is heavy!"  
  Nonnie had to push the tractor the second time around.

 We gave this pumpkin patch an A+!    We ended up bringing home a big pumpkin and both girls picked out a baby pumpkin.

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