Last weekend we had fun celebrating Father's Day. Brent and I took the girls to the Dallas Aquarium. It was awesome! The rainforest was fun to walk through and had so many animals in it. I was amazed.

Flamingo Central

We tried to get pictures of the girls looking through this tank, but the reflection was bad. You get the idea.

We walked through a glass tunnel filled with sharks.

Caroline really took it all in.

Looking down to the lower level. The aquarium is designed to replicate a rainforest with three levels.

I don't know if you can see, but Caroline's mouth is wide open. She made some funny expressions during this outing. She is looking at the sting rays.

After the aquarium, we ate lunch at Spaghetti Warehouse. The troops were getting tired, but we had a fantastic waiter who got our food super fast. Abby loved eating in the caboose.

So exhausted, she was in a daze.

Sunday, Father's Day, we ate lunch with Nonnie and Pops.

The girls took turns getting pushed around in a shirt box.

"Let's play dolls, Pops."

Testing out the inflatable travel pillow we gave Pops for his trip to Europe next week.

Abby made Mickey Mouse cards for all the men in her life.
That night, GiGi and PawPaw came to town. We met them for Bar-B-Que at Cooper's in Fort Worth.

Helping PawPaw with his present.
"Yep, it's going to fit."
This cowgirl got comfy and chowed down on her plastic sandwich.

Nothing more fun than swinging back and forth in a little tub.
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